Project Description: Daily mosquito dispersal will be calculated using novel mark-recapture techniques in villages with and without spatial repellents. Automated mosquitoes marking devices have been developed to mark mosquitoes with a fluorescent powder as they emerge from their breeding sites and they will be placed on breeding sites surrounding the villages. Recapture efforts will be conducted nightly for 2 weeks following the last marking day and will be based on a sampling effort across the village, and... Daily mosquito dispersal will be calculated using novel mark-recapture techniques in villages with and without spatial repellents. Automated mosquitoes marking devices have been developed to mark mosquitoes with a fluorescent powder as they emerge from their breeding sites and they will be placed on breeding sites surrounding the villages. Recapture efforts will be conducted nightly for 2 weeks following the last marking day and will be based on a sampling effort across the village, and between villages. Marked mosquitoes will be recovered from human landing catches (HLC), both indoor and outdoor, as well as high density CDC light trapping, and resting traps (in and around human cattle dwellings)
Principal Investigator : Adam Saddler
Department Name : EHES
Time frame: (2016-10-01) - (2018-12-31)